Desi talk
DESI TALK November 29, 2024 3 129(0%(5 ó 2SHQ WR DOO 3(11 3OD\ 0HPEHUV 5HFHLYH D FRXSRQ ZKHQ \RX ZLQ *ROGHQ VLGH EHW RQ EDFFDUDW 5HFHLYH D JLIW FDUG IRU HYHU\ WZR FRXSRQV :KLOH VXSSOLHV ODVW 5HVWULFWLRQV DSSO\ 0XVW EH ,I \RX RU VRPHRQH \RX NQRZ KDV D JDPEOLQJ SUREOHP FULVLV FRXQVHOLQJ DQG UHIHUUDO VHUYLFHV FDQ EH DFFHVVHG E\ FDOOLQJ *$0%/(5 8 /FX :PSL 4U "VSPSB *- )0--:800%$"4*/0"6303" $0. , LUTCF Financial Services Professional*, MDRT^ Agent, New York Life Insurance Company * Registered Representative for NYLIFE Securities LLC (Member FINRA/SIPC), a Licensed Insurance Agency. NYLIFE Securities LLC is a New York Life Company. 20 N Martingale Rd, Suite 400, Schaumburg, IL 60173 (847) 585 4900. ^(2018 & 2019) The Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT) is the Premier Association of Financial Professionals recognized globallyas the standard ofexcellence for life insurance sales performance in the insurance and financial services industry. 847-452-5462 Life Insurance • College Funding • 401(k) Roll-over Retirement Planning • Fixed Deferred Annuities We have moved to - Revolution Mortgage! E S A E L P U O E E S C W E N R T C A T N O M R O F N I N O I T A Cont ac t us f o r your HOME PURCHASE OR REFINANCING Direct # 630-205-2233 for Suren Sampat and Direct #630-544-8922 for Lina Sampat ADVERTISEMENT | T2 Financial, LLC. D.B.A. Revolution Mortgage is an Equal Housing Opportunity Lender NMLS #1686046 (Nationwide Multistate Licensing System - Terms, conditions, and restrictions may apply. All information contained herein is for informational purposes only and, while every effort is made to ensure accuracy, no guarantee is expressed or implied. Not a commitment to extend credit. Branch Address: 3950 North Lowell Ave, Chicago, IL 60641 - Branch NMLS# 2273710 - Branch Phone: 312-971-8866
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